Returns the value of the angle parameter for a point near or on the circumference of the ellipse.

Namespace:  ceometric.VectorGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.VectorGeometry (in ceometric.VectorGeometry.dll) Version: (


public double GetParameterAtPoint(
	Point point
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetParameterAtPoint ( _
	point As Point _
) As Double
Visual C++
double GetParameterAtPoint(
	Point^ point


Type: ceometric.VectorGeometry..::.Point
A point.

Return Value

Returns the value of the parameter angle tetha for a point near or on the ellipse.

Returns 0.0 if point coincides with the center of the ellipse.


A point on the ellipse is defined by

p = c + a*cos(t) + b*sin(t), where

  • t is the parameter angle tetha with t: [0, 2*pi]
  • c is the center point of the ellipse.
  • a is the semimajor axis vector of the ellipse.
  • b is the semiminor axis vector of the ellipse.

In these terms, this function returns the ellipse parameter t for a given point p.

Use GetPointAtParameter(Double) to find the point p for a given ellipse parameter t

If p lies on the circumference of an ellipse e, then p = e.GetPointAtParameter(GetParameterAtPoint(p))

If point is coplanar to the ellipse but not on the circumference of the ellipse, this method returns the ellipse parameter t of the intersection point of the ellipse and the line through the center of the ellipse and point

Returns meaningless results if point is not coplanar to the ellipse!

See Also