Returns the properties of the plane in StringNumberFormat-format.

Namespace:  ceometric.VectorGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.VectorGeometry (in ceometric.VectorGeometry.dll) Version: (


public override string ToString()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overrides Function ToString As String
Visual C++
virtual String^ ToString() override

Return Value

Returns the properties of the plane in a textual form.


This string contains:
  • the hash code of the plane,
  • the parametric representation of the plane e = p + u * d1 + v * d2,
  • the coordinate form of the plane n1 * x + n2 * y + n3 * z = d,
  • the normal coordinate form of the plane n1 * x + n2 * y + n3 * z = d, |n| == 1, d >0,
  • the analytic form of the plane z = A * x + B * y + C

See Also