Provides high-performance geometric predicates.

Namespace:  ceometric.ComputationalGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.ComputationalGeometry (in ceometric.ComputationalGeometry.dll) Version: (


public class Predicate
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class Predicate
Visual C++
public ref class Predicate


This class provides the following floating-point arithmetic predicates:
  • 2d orientation test.
  • 2d point-in-circle test for arbitrary point orientation.
  • 2d point-in-circle test for counterclockwise point orientation.
  • 2d point-in-triangle test for arbitrary point orientation.
  • 3d orientation test.

This class provides the following exact arithmetic predicates:

  • 2d orientation test.
  • 2d point-in-triangle test for counterclockwise point orientation.
  • 2d point-in-circle test for counterclockwise point orientation.
  • 2d triangle orientation test.
  • 3d orientation test.

This namespace uses some exact arithmetic predicates due to the work of Jonathan Richard Shewchuk which have been ported to managed code. The original C-implementation of these predicates is in the public domain.

ceometric can not guarantee that the ported predicates work correctly. However, they never failed in numerous tests. If you have problems using them, please report.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also