Provides an exact arithmetic 2d conforming Delaunay triangulation (CDT) of points, constraints ("breaklines") and boundaries.

Namespace:  ceometric.ComputationalGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.ComputationalGeometry (in ceometric.ComputationalGeometry.dll) Version: (


public class ConformingDelaunayTriangulation2d : DelaunayTriangulation2d
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class ConformingDelaunayTriangulation2d _
	Inherits DelaunayTriangulation2d
Visual C++
public ref class ConformingDelaunayTriangulation2d : public DelaunayTriangulation2d


A 2d conforming Delaunay triangulation (CDT) is a true Delaunay triangulation in which each boundary or constraint may have been subdivided into several edges by the insertion of additional points. This allows the edges to exist in the triangulation while maintaining the Delaunay property.

The algorithm knows two different types of restraints:

  • Constraints: Constraints consist of an unordered set of individual edges. Each edge will be part of the CDT in a way that no triangle crosses an edge. The Delaunay property is maintained by the insertion of additional points (called "Steiner points"). Constraints must be NON-SELFINTERSECTING.
  • Boundaries: Boundaries consist of an unordered set of individual edges defining CLOSED regions. Each boundary edge will be part of the CDT in a way that no triangle crosses an edge. The Delaunay property is maintained by the insertion of additional points. After the triangulation, triangles outside the boundaries are removed by a ray tracing algorithm. Just like a cookie-cutter, boundaries allow for holes and islands in the final triangulation. Boundaries must be CLOSED and NON-SELFINTERSECTING.
This class uses eventing just to track the triangulation progress.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also