Computes the coplanar intersection of two objects.

Namespace:  ceometric.VectorGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.VectorGeometry (in ceometric.VectorGeometry.dll) Version: (


public PointSet Intersect2d(
	Line line
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function Intersect2d ( _
	line As Line _
) As PointSet
Visual C++
PointSet^ Intersect2d(
	Line^ line


Type: ceometric.VectorGeometry..::.Line
A line coplanar to the triangle.

Return Value

Returns a PointSet containing the intersection points of the circumference of the triangle and line. This point set contains
  • 0 intersection points if the triangle is coplanar to line but does not intersect line
  • 1 intersection point if the triangle is coplanar to line and touches line with a vertex
  • 2 intersection points if the triangle is coplanar to line and line crosses two edges of the triangle
  • 2 intersection points if the triangle is coplanar to line and line is collinear to an edge of the triangle.
Returns null if the objects are not coplanar.


Use Intersect3d(Line) for non-coplanar intersection.

See Also