Computes the coplanar intersection of two objects.

Namespace:  ceometric.VectorGeometry
Assembly:  ceometric.VectorGeometry (in ceometric.VectorGeometry.dll) Version: (


public PointSet Intersect2d(
	Triangle triangle
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function Intersect2d ( _
	triangle As Triangle _
) As PointSet
Visual C++
PointSet^ Intersect2d(
	Triangle^ triangle


Type: ceometric.VectorGeometry..::.Triangle
A triangle coplanar to the line.

Return Value

Returns a PointSet containing the intersection points of the line and the circumference of triangle. This point set contains
  • 0 intersection points if the line is coplanar to triangle but does not intersect triangle
  • 1 intersection point if the line is coplanar to triangle and touches triangle in a vertex
  • 2 intersection points if the line is coplanar to triangle and crosses triangle
  • 2 intersection points if the line is coplanar to triangle and collinear to an edge of triangle

Returns null if the objects are not coplanar.


Use Intersect3d(Triangle) for non-coplanar intersection.

See Also